LAP Philosophy

The LAP classroom is child-oriented, and children are accepted for who they are. LAP respects individual differences among children and foster these by providing a supportive environment that allows them to express their own personalities and interests.  The purpose of the classroom is to provide a language-rich environment that is conducive to language learning for children with varying degrees of language competence.  The program is based on a cognitive/social model and incorporates language intervention into regular classroom activities, maximizing on naturally occurring opportunities.  Selection of language facilitation strategies is governed by the following principles: language activities should fit a child’s available meanings, focus on linguistic input, and provide functional language tools.  

The goals of LAP

  1. Provide a rich language and literacy environment for all children.
  2. Provide comprehensive services to preschoolers ages 3-5, including those with speech and language disorders, those learning English as a second language, and those whose language development has been accomplished in a typical fashion.
  3. Formulate a framework for parent involvement in language facilitation.
  4. Acknowledge cross-cultural differences in social customs and language.